En verden af kreativitet

Dette indlæg er work-in-progress. Jeg er ikke færdig med at overveje begrebet men vælger at tro, at overvejelserne og processen i det også er interessante. Indlægget kommer altså til at ændre sig over tid.

Dette er The 4 C Model of Creativity, skabt af Dr. James C. Kaufman og Dr. Ronald Beghetto

Begreberne står for:

  • mini-c: Den kreativitet vi udviser, når vi begynder at beskæftige os med et kreativt felt, eksempelvis når børn går i musikskole.
  • little-c: Hobby-kreativitet. Vi har været igennem mini-c og ‘roder videre’ (tinkering) med området, typisk i vores fritid. mini-c siger ikke nødvendigvis noget om niveauet men noget om konteksten.
  • Pro-c: De professionelle kreative, som tjener deres løn i feltet, eks. kunstnere, men også andre kreative erhverv. Ikke nødvendigvis kendte i offentligheden men dette er deres hovederhverv.
  • Big-C: De professionelle kreative, som er kendt i offentligheden.

De fleste ‘almindelige’ mennesker kender ikke ret meget til virkeligheden for Pro-c’s og vil derfor enten spejle Big-C opfattelser eller egne little-c oplevelser i en dialog med en Pro-c. Mange Pro-c’s har ikke lyst til eller overskud til at gå ind i den dialog og gøre den mere kvalificeret, altså gøre ‘almindelige’ mennesker klogere på, hvad en Pro-c egentlig foretager sig.

Min antagelse er imidlertid, at der er meget godt at hente ved at gå ind i den dialog og synliggørelse af, hvad ‘en helt almindelig professionel kreativ’ foretager sig i sin hverdag og i det hele taget lever af. En generel forståelse af dette må i min overbevisning også lede til flere og mere relevante jobtilbud.

Som nævnt øverst er jeg stadig tankeproces om dette, mere følger.

Læs hele teorien bag modellen her: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/312854338_The_Four-C_Model_of_Creativity_Culture_and_Context



Undresøgelse er et begreb, som kan dække over mindst to forståelser:

  1. At søge efter noget at undre sig over
  2. At undersøge noget og undre sig over det man finder.

Led ikke efter at blive bekræftet i det du tror du ved. 

  • Indstilling: ”Nej, hvor interessant”.
  • Uden vurdering: Det er
  • Objektivitet/Neutralt: Hvordan er det? Hvad består det af?
  • Flere perspektiver: Hvad kan det? What if?
  • Reflekterende: Hvorfor ser det sådan ud? Kontekst? Historik?



Nutidssans er evnen til at sanse nuets muligheder kombineret med modet til at handle på de muligheder. 

Delelementer er: 

  • Evnen til at slippe egne forforståelse af, hvordan ting og systemer hænger sammen. 
  • Evnen til at slippe egne forforståelse om, hvad ens rolle er i en given kontekst.
  • Evnen til at lytte, se og sanse det som er, uden at værdi-lade som negativt eller positivt, se evt. undresøgelse
  • Mod til at handle på uventede og ukendte inputs.
  • Mod til at insistere på nuets vilkår.
  • Mod til at ændre formater og arbejde i kortere stræk og perspektiv som bevidst strategi.

Andre, som arbejder med begrebet i andre termer:

Scharmer: Teori U

Zander: The Art of Possibility

The 3 Spheres

‘The 3 spheres’ is a dynamic model and a theory for a better understanding of the individual musicianship and artists life in general. What it is built upon and how it evolves over time and changing circumstances.

The 3 spheres are: The Work Field. Life Circumstances. Artistic Drive.

The Work Field contains factors like: What is the job market like? How are the structures? What can you make money doing? How do you do that? What are the institutions? What is the non-institutional part of the work field?

Life Circumstances contains factors like: The family situation. Ones’ Wider family. Health. Financial background. Financial needs. Geographical situation.

Artistic Drivewould by some be considered the non-logical sphere or rather: it has it’s own logic. Relevant questions are: What do you need to work with? What tickles your interest? In what ways do you need to express yourself?

Each of the spheres can and will expand and retract several times during a lifetime. That means, that at certain times they will each take more or less time and more or less effort. 

All of them will also increase and decrease in intensity. Intensity means How important are they and considers the emotional energy they take.

The spheres will overlap in different ways. Overlaps mean, that there is a coherence between them, they are easy to combine. At other times there is no coherence, they are 3 separate spheres, or maybe only two of them overlaps and the third seems distant. The desired overlap is different for each individual and over a lifetime. 

At times it makes good sense that everything comes together. At other times and for other individuals it would be better to separate your spheres. The question is How much you want your personal life to be part of your professional life? You can also use your insight to consider How you can make a stronger overlap between your artistic drive and the way you are situated in the work field (that is: how you make your money.)

Part of learning to use the model of the three spheres is to discover them.What do they each contain? Now. In the next 5 years. This will help you understand how to navigate the opportunities and challenges that they present.  

Sometimes Radical change happens. That is when the contents of a sphere change radically within a very short span of time. 

In the Work Fieldwe saw this happen with the Covid19 situation. 

In Life Circumstances radical change can be caused by for instance family situations, childbirth or illness. 

In the sphere of Artistic Drive it is usually a slower transformation unless it is caused by sudden change in one of the other spheres. One might however experience a sudden lack of meaning if the two other spheres have changed radically.

The Essence of the model is that The 3 spheres must all be considered in the artist’s life and that the dynamics between them are important and that it is essential be able to navigate the spheres and the dynamics between them. 

©Christina Holm Dahl, 2020

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Kulturelt medborgerskab. Entreprenørskab. Arbejdsmarked. Musikerskab. Kunstnerisk virke. Økonomi. Liv. Bæredygtighed.

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